Monday, April 16, 2012

This is Hoya cv 'Optimistic', a hoya that I received mislabelled as H. guppyi.  Either way, both are eriostemmas, a type of hoya that grows like the dickens, but rarely flowers in "captivity".  This hoya has bloomed for the past three years; reading up on it I discovered that it blooms only in direct sunlight at the tops of trees in the rain forest. So, I tried putting it in a window that receives maximum sun, and it worked!  Anyway, here is its picture.

And last summer I got the "real" H. guppyi, but it'll be a few years before it flowers ... if I can get it to flower that is!


Unknown said...

What ever happened to the hoya collection? ? Noticed posts have not been posted in quite a few years...hope things are okay

Unknown said...

I sold it off 3 years ago to start a new life in retirement. I currently have 6 Hoyas and 17 other tropical houseplants and don't miss my former collection at all. Thanks for reminding me about this blog Justmiss jamey. /Christine

Unknown said...

I sold it off 3 years ago to start a new life in retirement. I currently have 6 Hoyas and 17 other tropical houseplants and don't miss my former collection at all. Thanks for reminding me about this blog Justmiss jamey. /Christine

Anonymous said...

I put a remote temperature sensor in the wheeled greenhouse that I built, and can monitor the temperature from my house. Before any plants were put in this year the door was kept shut and on one sunny cold day it reached 110 F (43 C) inside, so I know that I can't leave the door shut unless absolutely sure that it will be an overcast day. It's better to leave them some ventilation than take a chance on burning the plants up. An automatic temperature activated door opener would be nice, if it worked.